Dear Ladies, Are You Really Interested to Know What a Man Wants?


You often hear through social media, talk shows and relationship experts what women should look for in a man.
There's nothing wrong with this advice but Shouldn't it be just as important to ask men what they look for and or expect from a woman?
Men take just as much value in their self worth as women and want to be appreciated for it.
Most men would like to have someone who is supportive, caring, thoughtful, attentive but not smothering. They also want a woman that has her own goals individuality and independence.
At the same time most men don’t want to be hit over the head with those qualities.
The one thing no man wants is a woman with a superiority complex. Women often wonder why men are so laid back with expressing their feelings.This may stem from being hurt or disappointed in previous relationships.
Many men like women have given their all to someone they thought they were building towards a lasting relationship.  They may have even been hopeful that marriage was something down the road. Whatever the reason may be when a man has his feelings crushed he is not to quick with wanting to open himself up to be hurt again.
Another reason men may have trouble sharing  may have been formed from the relationship between mother and son. A mother is the first feminine contact a boy is going to have so it makes a big difference in his development for the relationship to be  more positive than negative.
A poor relationship with the mother can reflect in relationships with women thus having poor or negative outcomes. His ability to let a woman into his emotional side may be compromised.
The relationship may become further damaged by his inability to express himself in any other way than moodiness, silence or anger.  Yes there is something to be said about a mother’s love.
This is not to say we are looking for someone to fill the mother’s role but certainly someone that can be a nurturer as well as a partner.  We deserve a woman that will give a hundred percent of herself to us and our relationship.
Now that does not mean we expect her to be with us 24/7 but we do expect respect for the time we do spend. Time spent should be of quality and not sense of duty.
A Man likes attention just as much as a woman does. We want to feel wanted and needed.
So if a man offers to open a door or pull out a chair for you be gracious of the thoughtfulness he is trying to show. It’s no challenge to your independence or identity as a woman. It’s just about us showing you respect and treating you with the dignity we feel you deserve.
Yes we are complex about some of our behavioral patterns but their are some of us who are not that hard to figure out. There is one thing that most of us have in common and that’s to be loved and respected in the eyes of our women.
Contrary to what is written on social media, talk shows etc.; there are good men out here ladies who deserve the very best of you and from you.
Written By: Larry D. Miller


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