
Showing posts from April, 2017

Dear Ladies, Are You Really Interested to Know What a Man Wants?

You often hear through social media, talk shows and relationship experts what women should look for in a man. There's nothing wrong with this advice but Shouldn't it be just as important to ask men what they look for and or expect from a woman? Men take just as much value in their self worth as women and want to be appreciated for it. Most men would like to have someone who is supportive, caring, thoughtful, attentive but not smothering. They also want a woman that has her own goals individuality and independence. At the same time most men don’t want to be hit over the head with those qualities. The one thing no man wants is a woman with a superiority complex.  Women often wonder why men are so laid back with expressing their feelings. This may stem from being hurt or disappointed in previous relationships. Many men like women have given their all to someone they thought they were building towards a lasting relationship.  They may have even been hopeful that