Cracks in Your Foundation

An article By: Larry D. Miller

What causes someone to cheat?

There may be any number of issues that are happening not only in the relationship but within the individuals involved in the relationship. Many couples that have had cheating enter their relationship will probably say they never saw it coming. It’s most likely that they did but chose to turn a blind eye to it. Denial is a defense mechanism in an attempt not only to protect the heart but the mind. If I don’t acknowledge it I don’t have to deal with it. It doesn't exist.
One of the most prevalent snake bites in the relationship is a breakdown in communication.
This can occur not only with one another but with one’s self. Ignorance is bliss. Or is it?

Most experts would probably say you have to deal with the elephant in the room.
Whether it be issues about work (too much or too less etc.) Money, the children or not having the intimacy you once enjoyed early on in the relationship.
You must address it. Failing to do so can lead to more snake bites namely frustration, stress and maybe even some isolation.
Isolating yourself from your partner can only lead to the gap widening in having both you and your partner’s emotional needs met.

This is when the venom from those snake bites begin to course through your veins.
That venom is called  “Temptation”

You may begin to seek relief outside the relationship.
It may start off innocently enough to finding some little distractions from your everyday life.
But be careful because the more comfortable you become with your escapism the more adventurous you may get.

Say Thy Name

Ah yes Temptation can be intoxicating but with quite the killer results.
It’s like the euphoria one gets from eating Blow Fish even when knowing that at any moment you could die if not prepared just right.

Like cheating you get so caught up in the thrill that it outweighs the risk.

Those frustrations you may be feeling from the lack of communication at home can lead you to seeking companionship elsewhere.
That’s when temptation is hard at work.
He or she does not talk to me. Then I will talk with someone else.
He or she does not spend time with me. Then I shall spend time with someone else.
I deserve it. That’s temptation messing with you.

You convince yourself that you deserve some little rewards in your life for all that you put out and the lack of reconciliations you receive.

The next thing you know you are tongue deep with the friendly co-worker of guy or gal you had coffee with. It does not have to happen exactly that way but nevertheless it happened and you are now and forever a cheater.

So there you are the reasons behind why cheating may occur in a relationship.

Don't think this article is trying to make excuses for why infidelity occurs but in fact how to recognize the signs of what I call cracks in your foundation.

Dissatisfaction with the relationship can leave you open to temptation and once you succumb to whatever or whoever that temptation is then you the person has made a conscious yet what also in most cases have proven to be a foolish choice.

It’s really quite simple people. To maintain anything of worth you must take care of it.
Your relationships require maintenance because unlike most products it does not come with a guarantee.

Written BY: Larry D. Miller


  1. Dissatisfaction with the relationship can leave you open to temptation and once you succumb to whatever or whoever that temptation is then you are right the person has made a conscious yet what also in most cases have proven to be a foolish choice.


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